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Can't wait till your next CD.

Elliot Washor 17/08/13

I just heard "I'm through with love" on play misty for me radio and just LOVED it.Scott

scott kennedy 17/08/13

Hello Sara. Kind of difficult to find out your e-mail. Interested in playing in Saarbrücken beginning of november? WIlfgang

wolfgang 17/08/13

I work with Brent Fischer (Clare's son)and really enjoyed listening to your version of "morning." Are you avaialble for concerts or collabrations in US? I just sent your link to a friend who s presenting a music/art festival called "Open Borders" in Ventury county, California cheers! --c

claris dodge 17/08/13

Would love to know when you're coming anywhere near the American Northwest area, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, etc. We do a great festival in southern Oregon called the Britt Festival. You'd be perfect for it.

John Galt 17/08/13

Hello Sara how you doing?

MrBlack 17/08/13

Hi Sara! Long time fan from your concert in Paris. Back in the USA now, DC. Hope you'll bring the family & visit your family in Delaware & hey, how about a couple of gigs in DC???!! DC jazz scene has improved greatly in the 10 years I was gone. Please keep me on your mailing list, waiting for more CDs! bisous Carolyn

Carolyn Sorensen 17/08/13

Hi Sara, Great voice! I will put you on my playlist! Best wishes Mandy Morrow

Mandy Morrow 17/08/13

Hi Sara, Could you contact me via whereby I wish to talk about your music for Singapore. Best, victor tan EQ Music pte ltd

Victor Tan 17/08/13

Love the last album. When will you be performing in the UK?

Phil Edwards 17/08/13

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