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First time I heard you, and I am really impressed. You have a gift!! Love your amazing voice!
Luciano Gougain 04/01/16I was checking you tube to put a song in my guitar, bass, drum trio. I came across your version of Morning...a beautiful version with a great band....What a fantastic voice, phrasing , tone, etc
John Kozinski 24/12/15Chicago? Green Mill, Jazz Showcase? They will love you. Mark
Mark Wilhelms 26/10/15i know your brother Lewis, am a sometime cabaret singer from NYC. In Paris at this moment, would love to see you perform (have a number of your CDs). Are you performing anywhere at this moment?
Tony DeNicola 09/09/15Fellow jazz singer...much older than you...I was surfing on Youtube and know a Sara Louise Lazarus..a director for singers..I clicked on your recording of "Morning"...and what a lovely discovery !! My husband and I live 3 months of the year in Antibes.Will you be singing in our area anytime in the near future ?? I'd love to come hear you. Always like to meet a fellow Francophile !! I work with wonderful musicians in France. In the States I have worked with Mike Renzi, Jay Leonhart , Lee Musiker and Grady Tate and now with Tedd Firth. I sang with Frank Amsellam in Paris ,perhaps 15 or more years ago !!! Anyway, I really appreciate your "uncluttered ,smooth style of singing"
Jane Scheckter 07/08/15Sara? When I first heard your song "Embraceable You" on the Singer and Standards Music Choice channel on my cable television, I had thought that you were a talented female artist from the 1940s, because you have that classic type of talented voice that sounds like it is from that time era. I was surprised to find out that you were not born until 1962. Therefore, I get the distinct impression that when you were growing up, you hung around someone older in your family who was musically talented and knew a lot about music of the 1940s and that person guided you in developing your talent to sing this kind of music. Either that, or you had a favorite female artist from the 1940s to whom you listened on your record player and/or CD player, and you got your inspiration from her to start singing this kind of music. I wish there were more singers like you in this day and age singing this kind of music so that more of this type of music could be heard on the radio instead of all the cheesy stuff that one hears on the radio nowadays. Nowadays the music entertainment industry is in trouble and on the brink of its downfall, because there just isn't enough talented artists like you out there. Computer technology is killing the rhythm and the melody heard in today's songs, and singers just don't put their hearts into their music like the ones did years ago. You're the exception to that, because your voice actually sounds natural and reaches the soul.
Jeffrey 22/07/15You can melt butter with your voice, thank you for sharing your gift ... Philip
philip 21/05/15You are so tasteful, and I love your full yet passionate tone and horn-like phrasing; keep up the good work; you are indeed blessed with a unique spirit and loving soul.
louis benavidez jr. 06/05/15Hi Sara, I love your music! Could you please perform in the U.S. anytime soon? Please? Kona from Utah
Kona 24/11/14Je t'ai entendue un soir au Sun side, il y a quelques années de cela. De retour en métropole, j'aimerais beaucoup t'entendre de nouveau. A quand un concert dans le sud ouest de la France ? (pays basque....)
Catherine Castérès 08/11/14sign the guestbook